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What our clients say about us
"You're one of the very few honest, hardworking companies we deal with. The other companies we tend to hire tech support us either because they have to, or so they can profit from overpriced support contracts. It is clear that your support team does what they do because they genuinely enjoy helping people and they want their customers to get the product they paid for, working the way it was intended. Likewise, your sales team works *for* their customers, actually serving the customer's needs, rather than seeing customers as a pawn in a game of profits. I continue to be inspired by the way you do business, and I wish you all the success you deserve from doing it this way!" ~Jason J. -SRI International
"PDS has been instrumental in being able to support and maintain some of the legacy systems we have to maintain in our production centers." ~John B. - Raytheon
"Even though we don't spend much money with you I'm amazed how you have always treated us like your most valuable customer." ~Alf F. -Helena Laboratories Corp.
“High Fives and Home Runs! You have helped the firm upgrade a very important piece of the firm's business. You are on sacred ground - Good Job!” ~ Maynard J. -RGR&D
"You don’t hear from me very often but I just wanted to send you a quick thank you. I had some issues (on my end) getting our SurfRAID support contract renewed in a timely manner. Kudos to our Account Manager for sticking with me as we worked through it. I got the shipping notification e-mail last night and I can sleep better now knowing that we’re covered for another year. Thanks again." ~Karl G. ~Consumers Energy
"As my time at Caltech is growing quickly to a close I wanted to make sure I reached out and thanked you for all you have done to make my job so much easier. It has been a pleasure to have worked with you, talked with you and I do so appreciate all you have done. I see that you are now doing purchases with my colleague and I know that you will enjoy working with him. Please take care of yourselves and know that you will remain in my thoughts as very special people." ~Rosanne S. -California Institute of Technology
I want to say that I appreciate the integrity you have built up in Partners Data Systems. Any time I have called I have received excellent advice, and you have seen to it that the solutions I have needed have been the most cost effective. I appreciate how you are doing business very much. My hat is off to you. ~Bruce R. -Rawdin-Baron Financial
"There is no question that Partners, who I use now for hardware, has the best salespeople I have dealt with in my 22+ year career." ~Bill A. -JPL NASA
"The President of Partners is a former sys-op who still understands hardware. His people are from the "old school" of business where one expects the folks who sell technology to actually understand what it is they are selling. Much of the "value-added" doing business with Partners is the advice and counsel provided with the hardware. Experience has shown me that his people will stick with you and make sure that whatever you buy works in your environment. I have recommended Partners to an number of companies over the years and have heard nothing but praise from their customers." ~Joseph S. ~Merrill Lynch
"Your engineer is worth his weight in gold. He is working very well with my guy on site and I'm thrilled we went down this path with Partners Data. Thanks!" ~Andrew S. - Digital Kitchen
"Even though over the years I haven't met any of you face to face I still consider you friends. You guys do a great job and have been great to work with." ~Jeff W. -California State Association of Counties

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